General Instruction :

The college will follow the day – order system. Days are followed with number of hours mentioned in the time – table. The first day order will be followed on the re-opening day. The second day order will be the next working day and so on.

Students should take their respective classes & take their seats during every hour before the bell.

  • No student should leave the class room during the class hours without the permission of the staff.
  • Students should not be seen anywhere other than class room during class hours.
  • Students should not sit in the Auditorium / steps during the class hours.
  • Students are forbidden from writing, scribbling, painting on the walls, desks, etc.,
  • Students found damaging, destroying college property should replace the same at their own cost.
  • Students found using foul language or behaving rudely towards the fellow student (or) staff members will be expelled from the college.
  • Students are advised to read notices put up on the notice board. Ignorance of any notice thus put up will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with it.
  • In any criminal case is registered against a student by the law enforcing authorities, she should intimate the same within 24 hrs to the principal, failing which she will be liable for disciplinary action leading to expulsion.



University and college rules require REGULAR ATTENDANCE in all working days for both theory & practical.
For each student the university requires 75% of attendance to appear for the university examinations for each semester and the attendance reckoned in terms of days only and not subject wise. Candidates with 50% and less than 50% of attendance in any semester will not be allowed to continue her study in the subsequent semester and will be asked to re-join the semester where the attendance is less than 50% to continue the course.

Attendance will be noted for each period at the commencement of each class.

Late comers will not be admitted to the class without an permission slip from the Principal / HOD.

The leave application with the counter signature of the parent / guardian / deputy warden and their class-in-charge should be submitted in advance or on the first day of her return to college.

In case of absence on medical reasons the student should produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.

HOD / Principal may take appropriate disciplinary action in case of continued violation of leave rules.



  • Students are expected to attend the college neatly dressed keeping in with approved etiquette.
  • Students are asked to come in salwar-kameez. They shall not come to the college in any other dress.
  • Students are asked to wear common over coat on Monday.
  • Proper hair dressing, properly pinned dhuppattas are expected. Jeans and pants are not allowed.
  • Students should wear ID card everyday.
  • No students should enter any other class without permission.
  • Absolute silence expected while moving to library / laboratory / auditorium / classes and back.
  • Absolute silence expected during their presence in administrative block.
  • In any non arrival of faculty or cancellation of classes, student representative should inform the class in charge / HOD within 5 minutes.